Software development

Software house
Software development globally

The team that makes up the company, backed by decades of experience in IT analysis, architecture and development, offers a rich range of technologies to propose the safest and most performing alternative based on the proposed project.

Java Enterprise, PHP, Python, C# and also the best known frameworks related to each of these languages are just some of the most used languages within the company.

Competence, love for one’s work, particular attention to the customer, are some of the key concepts that distinguish us.
Previous experiences in Italy have led us to work for large clients such as:

  • Poste Italiane (Italian Post)
  • Bank of Italy, INPS (national social welfare institution)
  • INAIL (National institute for insurance against industrial injuries)
  • Engineering Companies
  • Reply (innovation technology, digital services. consulting)
  • Farnesina (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

And others no less important.

software house roma

We develop: customized software, web software, web portals, processing batches, distributed systems, microservices, smartphone applications.

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